This Channel 4 documentary follows a unique community of vegan and ex-vegan influencers.
How to Steal Pigs and Influence People
How to Steal Pigs and Influence People
One day, on his way home from work, Wes decided to film himself stealing a pig from a factory farm, before it could be taken to slaughter. The video went viral, Wes got arrested and soon he became known as The Pignapper.
In this film director Tom Costello follows Wes, as he embarks on an escalating series of farmyard heists - each engineered to get more followers, bring in donations and ultimately get his vegan voice heard.
But to make his content to cut through online, Wes must learn the secrets of a weird and wonderful community of established vegan and ex-vegan influencers. We meet Jackie – a former model who’s devoted to her back-bedroom chicken sanctuary. And we meet Prem and his crew of extreme ex-vegans, now notorious for their jaw-dropping raw-meat-only diet. Each enjoys hundreds of thousands of followers and knows exactly what it takes to make an impact online.
As Wes starts to taste success and reap the rewards of his increasingly slick stunts and audacious animal robberies, what’s more important? Making change or finding fame?